Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Funny Love Quotes For Him

Funny Love Quotes For Him

Funny Love Quotes For Him
Funny Love Quotes For Him
Funny Love Quotes For Him

Funny Love Quotes For Him

Marriage is a romance in which the heroine dies in the first chapter. Cecilia Egan
If love is the answer, could you please rephrase the question? Edith Ann
The trouble with some women is that they get all excited about nothing -- and then marry him. Cher
Marriage has no guarantees. If that's what you're looking for, go live with a car battery. Erma Bombeck
Men aren't necessities, they're luxuries. Cher
In love women are professionals, men are amateurs. Francois Truffaut
By the time you swear you're his,

Shivering and sighing,

And he vows his passion is infinite, undying -

Lady, make note of this: One of you is lying. Dorothy Parker
One lover, that is love; two lovers, that is passion; three lovers, that is commerce. French proverb
I was married by a judge. I should have asked for a jury. Groucho Marx
I'm always looking for meaningful one night stands. Dudley Moore
Send two dozen roses to Room 424 and put "Emily I love you" on the back of the bill. Groucho Marx

Marriage has no guarantees. If that's what you're looking for, go live with a car battery. Erma Bombeck
When two people decided to get a divorce, it isn't a sign that they "don't understand" one another, but a sign that they have, at last, begun to. Helen Rowland
Romantic love is mental illness. But it's a pleasurable one. It's a drug. It distorts reality, and that's the point of it. It would be impossible to fall in love with someone that you really saw. Fran Lebowitz
A kiss is a lovely trick, designed by nature, to stop words when speech becomes superfluous. Ingrid Bergmen