Thursday, February 17, 2011

A Moment Of Silence :(

Today is a very, very sad day for me...My BB Tour has expired. I put another sim card in it & the browser disappeared & after several attempts through DM I've decided to say *uck it!! I've messed with it since 6am this morning & have had no luck what so ever. When I first got the Tour I had the same issue & was able to resolve it after a few days, but I just don't have the patience this time. Also the trackball is sticking so bad that I have to clean it 4 times a day to get it to scroll. Sooo, my daughter has a 2 month old BB 85xx & I'm going to be using that til my upgrade date near mid March. I'll still post walls & ss on CB with the little 85xx. I'm very sad because I had so many paid apps on my Tour & I cannot buy them now & again in about 3 weeks when I upgrade. It's just blatantly unnecessary!! I had just won QL on Megan's blog & I'm so so sad about that!! Well enough of me boo hooing! In a few weeks I'll more than likely have a brand new Torch!! So the next 3 weeks I just have to suck it up & make do!! Thanks All for listening to me rant & rave & please can I have a moment of silence for my beloved Tour (I call her Pretty Girl!) <3