Tuesday, July 27, 2010

I LuvMyBB Blog

Today is Tuesday, July 27, 2010. It's my first post on my Blackberry Blog. I am a 43 year old mother of 3. I work 2 jobs & all my free time is spent on Crackberry or Theme Blogs. I've owned a Blackberry for years. My first was the BB Pearl 8100. I had it for about 8 months before I upgraded to the Curve 8310. I had my Curve for about a year and 5 months. Then my oldest daughter (Chanel) switched from Verizon to Sprint and gave me her Tour 9630. Which I had unlocked & use on my contract with AT&T. I love my BB. (Once you go Blackberry...You never go back!!!) I just started this Blog so I could follow all my favorite theme builders. I am always on a search for the perfect theme so I thought this would be perfect for me. :) I do not create themes. I don't have a reliable PC at home to even attempt it. But, I have great admiration for those who do. The theme creators make my stressful life so much happier! :) I will not take any credit for any theme. I will always post the theme author & their site. I am just a Blackberry fanatic & this blog will help me keep track of the sites I follow & mention theme creators that I love & use. I will also give reference to any news that is going on in the theme world. If I offend anyone, please let me know. That is never my intent. I only intend to give praise & credit to those who take time out of their busy schedules to make all of our BB's happy. I will state that I'm a little challenged technologically. So sometimes I don't know how to post certain things. Ex: Zips, Files, OTA's etc. So I won't be posting those. I will share the wallpapers that I'm using or post the current theme that I'm using & again I will reference the sites where they came from. If you have any questions let me know & I'll try to help.
This is my first blog so give me some time to figure everything out. :)
Happy Theme-ing!!!
Julie ~ jules966