Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Theme Drama??

Ok...So I woke up this morning & checked all my usual theme blogs & realized that there is some more drama going on...I have absolutely no idea what's going on. This happened all way before I got my Tour so even though it's been explained on about 7 different blogs I have no clue! If you want to give your themes away for free or sell them is really the creators choice!! I rarely buy themes because there are hundreds of FREE excellent themes. I think everyone should just let it go.......

Live & let Live!!!

I love my BB & I love finding new & creative themes for it. That's my main goal. All themes are different & have unique touches to them. I do have my favorites but everyone is different & to each his own. I'm not saying any theme creator is better than another because to me they're all creative. I'm just thankful everyday that people take time out of their busy schedules to create & share their themes. I don't know any of these people personally. I just respect their work & look forward to new themes everyday!

I won't be commenting on this subject again...Because #1)None of it pertains to me #2) I'm completely clueless to all of it. #3)I'm too busy searching for the perfect theme & the perfect wallpaper combo! LOL
I just wanted everyone to know where I stand on all of this - It's none of my business!!!

Have a good day all! :)