Monday, August 2, 2010

Lotus by Yuki!!

Good Morning All!

Ok...I worked last night & went to bed as soon as I got off work. I was just too tired to check my theme blogs. I woke up this morning & checked all my beloved blogs that I follow & to my surprise Yuki had created Lotus! The wall she used is my favorite wall of all time. I was so excited. It is absolutely beautiful! She did a miraculous job on this theme. Pink & Gray are my favorite color combo & with my favorite wall too! How did I get so lucky?? Needless to say, I am thrilled. I love her work. All of her themes are so smooth & quick.
You really need to check out her theme blog!! You will love her creations! There is something for everyone, some girly themes & some not.
Well, enough of my rambling. Below is a screenshot.
Enjoy the day everyone!