Sunday, August 1, 2010

BatteryEx Skins

Good Morning all. The "BatteryEx Skins" craze has officially hit! And I am thrilled. There are so many really cute Skins. I've been having a blast all weekend. I don't know how to make these but it doesn't look nearly as hard as themes. Anyway I thought I'd post a few sites where you can find these "BatteryEx Skins". Again, I take no credit for anywork performed. Here's a few sites I found that have them on:

Now that's a few sites that should have more than enough "Skins" to get anyone started. Of course most of these are girly skins because I am female & I like female things. I'm truly a pink & purple woman. If anyone finds anymore please don't hesitate to add them to the comments. The more the merrier!
Have a good day all!