Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Your Opinion...

Good Morning everyone. Arn't these lower temps just great? I'm so happy it's not 100 degrees! Anyway, I was thinking this morning about what makes a theme a great theme. What specific things do people look for in a theme? I know what I look for & what I like but I thought I'd ask everyone's opinion. I don't know how many people actually read my blog but even if I only get a small amount of feedback I think it'll be interesting. So with that being said I'm going to ask a few questions & I hope a few people respond.

1) What's the most important thing you look for in a theme?

My Answer: Color is 1st, then functionality. I want hot keys, especially one for pics. I want the font to be big enough that I can actually see the time & date. I have to have the time & date on my homescreen. I love hidden dock & customizable icons is a must. I really prefer black font on the hidden today, which few people do anymore. Depending on the theme sometimes I like a weather slot but it's not necessary.

2) What color do you want the perfect theme to be?

My Answer: Pink Pink Pink!! I love gray too but I'm a pink lover to the core. I'm not a bright color person so I really don't like red. I detest the default blue color through out a theme. That's what the BB came with & I hate when I find a great theme but the font is the same stock blue! UGH! It can be the perfect theme & that just blows it for me. Blue's not bad as long as it's not stock. I can't understand why in the world you'd take all that time to build a theme & leave that stock blue highlight through out??

3) Who's your favorite theme creator?

My Answer: Now these are in no specific order & I certainly don't want to slight anyone. But since I've got my Tour I am always using a theme by at least one of these theme creators;
Cami, RGarling, Yuki & BarbieW. Without them I'd be lost!! Those 4 are my top favs. You can't go wrong with any of them. I rarely use a theme that's not by one of them. I may D/L a theme by someone different but I'll only use it for an hour & then it's back to one of theirs.

4) What's a definite deal breaker when you D/L a theme?

My Answer: The font's too SMALL. No hotkeys, especially no hotkey for pics. (I change my wallpaper so much I want quick & easy access to my pics) The icons arn't customizable. The stock blue font highlight that I previously stated. UGH!! & I hate squiggly super girly font. I know alot of people like it but I'm old & can't see anymore. :)

5) What's your biggest pet peeve about a theme?

My Answer: I don't like super girly themes. I know I'm a pink lover & what could be more girly right? Well, I mean using some squiggly goofy font that can't be read! I love normal font that you can actually read. I think there are a ton of fantastic themes out there but there's a happy medium between super girly & pink. All of the theme creators I mentioned: Cami, RGarling, Yuki & BarbieW can make a theme that's pink & functional, that's why I have much love for them. And last but definitely not least ~ I can't stand when you have to go through a bunch of hoopla to get an OTA? I mean I just don't have time for that!

I hope my opinions don't hurt anyones feelings or offend anyone. I just wanted to know what others look for in a theme. I know everyone is different & you can't please everyone all the time. With that being said I just want to take this time to say thank you very much to my favorite theme builders. I really do appreciate all the time & hard work they put into creating such incredible themes for everyone. ♥

Have a good everyone!!