Monday, August 23, 2010

Stuff for your Berry...

Good Morning All!
I hope everyone had a good weekend. Mine was exhausting...& the work week starts again.
Anyway I haven't posted in a while & I wanted to mention a few sites that I've become quite fond of. The first is berry goodies: I absolutely love this site. She has the cutest, prettiest wallpapers & a ton of batteryex skins. If you're a berry fanatic like I am you definitely need to check it out. Another is This site has stuff for your berry & is also very informative. Both are blogs I just love ♥. & I just wanted to mention that Cami has been kind enough & sweet enough to post a link to an open Photobucket album with some fantastic walls. You can find her blog here:
Much thanks to all my Berry friends for sharing so much Berry stuff for FREE!!
Well, back to work! I hope everyone has a good day.
Happy Berry~ing!!